Serves 4
12 smoked lamb cutlets
2 celeriac bulbs
6 med size Desiree potatoes
1 litre milk
1 clove garlic
Salt and pepper
50g butter
Lynwood chilli tomato jam or your favourite chutney
Peel potato and celeriac and cut into even size pieces.
Place into a large pot and add garlic clove, milk (and water if necessary) to cover potatoes and celeriac.
Bring to boil and simmer rapidly until cooked. Drain thoroughly. In a food processor, blend cooked potatoes and celeriac with butter and seasoning to taste. Panfry smoked lamb cutlets for 4-5 mins on each side until lightly browned. Serve on a celeriac mash with a ‘dollop’ of jam or chutney on the side.